Fax services

Looking to modernise your faxing services? Our web-based solution has you covered. To receive faxes directly to your email, it's as easy as purchasing a fax number from our website. The same number serves for both incoming and outgoing faxes, and there's no need for any complex setup. Once you've acquired your fax number, incoming faxes will flow seamlessly to the email address if your choice.

And when it comes to sending faxes via email, the process is just as straightforward. By obtaining a fax number through our website (no need for an additional one if you already have one with us), you can simply email an attachment to the address shown below or utilise our user-friendly online control panel for effortless uploads. Our web-based fax service ensures a hassle-free experience for all your faxing needs.

Send faxes: email to fax & web to fax

Firstly, you'll need a fax number, a PIN and credit on your account.

Once you have a fax number, you can find your PIN in the control panel (ServicesFax ServicesConfigure Security PINs). You can either Generate or Clear your PIN using the corresponding buttons:

Configure security PIN

Please note: If you are using a master account, you can Generate or Clear PINs for other extensions on your account:

Configure master accoubnt security PIN

Open a new email in your chosen email client.

For the subject line, enter just the previously obtained PIN and nothing else.

The To field should be formatted as follows: [number]@outboundfax.voipfone.co.uk

So if your fax number is 01632 960999, the extension you want to route the email to is 200 and the extension PIN is 8888, your email would look as follows:

To: 01632960999@outboundfax.voipfone.co.uk

Subject: 8888

Attach the file you would like to send via Vopfone's email to fax service.

Hit Send

Receive faxes: fax to email

When you choose a fax number from the Package Builder, incoming faxes are converted automatically to emails and then sent directly to your email account (Fax To Email).

Of course, once you have your faxes as an email you can print them, store them electronically or send them on to others easily. This saves you the cost and inconvenience of owning a fax machine.

A log of faxes you have received is available in your control panel (ServicesFax ServicesView Faxes).

Send & receive faxes with attachments

Faxes can be sent and received with attachments - the following formats are supported:

pdf, doc, jpg, png, gif, rtf, odt, ods

Got a question?

New technology can seem confusing at first, but don't worry, we are here to help!

Got a Question?

You can speak to one of our Customer Service representatives by calling our dedicated Customer service line on 0345 868 5555 and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Configure Services

Log in to your online control panel to configure your services. With Voipfone's online control panel you can manage your account in real time, from your PC anywhere in the world.


You can try our service for FREE - without risk or commitment. Firstly, we'll give you a free incoming 056 telephone number so that people can call you from ordinary telephones.