The Voipfone FAQ is a collection of some of the most common questions we get asked if you're unable to find the answer to your question either visit our support pages, which can be found here, alternatively you can call our Customer Services team on 0345 868 5555.
If there are any questions that you feel should be included in our FAQ then please email us with your suggestions here.
Voipfone is a state of the art telephone service that allows you to make free, or very low cost, telephone calls over the Internet to any telephone in the world regardless of what equipment or network the person you are calling uses. Also, because it uses computer and internet based, digital, technologies we can build in many new features and services that were previously impossible or very expensive.
Your voice is converted into digital information which can be sent like any other data over the internet. The technology used is called Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP. Sometimes it is referred to as Voice over Networks or VoN.
Because there are so many things possible with Voipfone, we've decided to include most of our advanced features for FREE when you sign up for a Voipfone Account so you can try them out without worrying about what they cost. You can see what they all do just by clicking on them.
You can call anyone with a normal landline or mobile phone anywhere in the world. If the person you are calling is a Voipfone customer or a customer of one of our partner networks (see below), the call is free - no matter where you both are in the world. If they have an ordinary telephone or mobile you can still call them and the call will normally cost a lot less than using your ordinary landline.
You can find out how much these calls cost by using the Call Cost Calculator. If you choose one of our Inclusive Minutes Packages, calls to UK landlines are charged at just under 1p/min.
There are lots of ways to do this but the three most common ways of using Voipfone's Internet Telephone Service are:
1 By using your PC and Voipfone's free software which turns it into a fully featured telephone. This method requires a broadband internet connection and a reasonably modern PC or laptop with either a microphone and loud speakers or a headset. Here are the minimum requirements:
2 With your ordinary telephone. You use an adapter which plugs into your router. (A router is device used to make a Local Area Network (LAN) in your home or office so that more than one PC can connect to the internet or so that several PCs can talk to each other). One end of the adapter plugs into your Local Area Network connection and the other into your existing telephone.
You can find the adapters we recommend here.
3 With an internet telephone. A number new VoIP (or SIP) phones are now available which plug into your Local Area Network and give you the advantage of many new built in features.
If you have purchased a new SIP phone or an adapter for your ordinary telephone, just pick up your phone and dial the number in the same way as you always have.
If you're using Voipfone's free Softphone on your PC, you type in the number from your keyboard or use the onscreen dialler then press the green telephone button.
If you live in the UK and are dialling a UK number you need to use the full national number even if you are making a local call (just as you do with your mobile phone).
Of course, if you are using one of the new VoIP (or SIP) telephones you can programme in short dial codes to your favourite numbers.
Voipfone gives you a free incoming telephone number so anyone can call you either from another VoIP user or any ordinary or mobile telephone anywhere. They simply dial your number and your Voipfone will ring just like any other phone.
Of course, if you use Voipfone's softphone on your PC, it will need to be switched on to ring!
If you have bought a Voipfone telephone adapter or telephone, you will be able to use it wherever you travel, as long as you have a high speed Internet connection. Your number will follow you wherever you go!
If you have Voipfone's softphone installed on your laptop you can use that anywhere you have an internet connection too - even in a WiFi HotSpot!
If you are making calls from your PC, yes, of course. However, if you are making calls with a phone and adapter or a special VOIP phone only your internet connection needs to be active; usually through your router.
Yes, you can transfer over from many providers. For more information please see here.
New technology can seem confusing at first, but don't worry, we are here to help!
You can speak to one of our Customer Service representatives by calling our dedicated Customer service line on 0345 868 5555 and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Log in to your online control panel to configure your services. With Voipfone's online control panel you can manage your account in real time, from your PC anywhere in the world.
You can try our service for FREE - without risk or commitment. Firstly, we'll give you a free incoming 056 telephone number so that people can call you from ordinary telephones.