Configure voicemails support

Location: ServicesVoicemail Configure Voicemails

Here you can configure various settings related to your voicemail, this includes things like enabling or disabling voicemail entirely, setting your greeting message and more.

Voicemail and timeout

The voicemail and timeout section will let you decide how long the phone should ring before the call goes to voicemail. It will also let you enable or disable voicemail completely.

Voicemail and timeout

Greeting message

Using the greeting message option you can upload a personalised voicemail greeting which will be played to anyone who goes through to voicemail. Just hit Choose File and upload your own audio file

Please note: Your audio file must be in MP3 or WAV format

Greeting message

Email alerts

Email alerts let you know when you've received a voicemail. If you want the voicemail itself included in the email as an attatchment, just toggle the Include attachments option on or off.

Email alerts

SMS alerts

With SMS alerts we will send you an SMS message when you receive a voicemail. Just select one of your registered numbers from the drop down menu or hit New mobile to register a new one.

SMS alerts

Changes you make are automatically saved.

Got a question?

New technology can seem confusing at first, but don't worry, we are here to help!

Your call, email or chat will be handled by one of our real live
customer services representatives - no AI, no bots!

Got a Question?

You can speak to one of our Customer Service representatives by calling our dedicated Customer service line on 0345 868 5555 and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Configure Services

Log in to your online control panel to configure your services. With Voipfone's online control panel you can manage your account in real time, from your PC anywhere in the world.


You can try our service for FREE - without risk or commitment. Firstly, we'll give you a free incoming 056 telephone number so that people can call you from ordinary telephones.