Mobile VoIP Link

Make international calls from only 1.5p per minute!

This service is best if you have a contract mobile with included minutes but will work with any mobile package and is the easiest to use.

Once you've registered your mobile phone(s) - see below - and, so long as your account is in credit, you can start making calls.

How Much Does It Cost?

Your mobile provider generally likes to charge rather a lot of money for these calls but we don't! For example a call to the USA from your mobile using Call Link would cost only 1.5p per minute.

To find out how much other calls from your mobile cost, just look up the country in the or type the number into the call cost calculator.

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How Do I Use It?

First you must register your mobile phone(s) with us. This is free. To do this, go to the Manage Registered Phones page and click 'Add' to enter your mobile number.

To Make Your Call

Do not press the send button (green telephone symbol) after you enter the second number!

Tip: You can save the numbers you wish to dial in your address book so that you can call directly from there as usual. To do this you need to enter a pause between our dedicated access number of 020 7099 0707 and the number you wish do dial. Most mobiles will allow you to do this using + or p between the numbers e.g. 02070990707+02070435555.

Check the user manual for details for your phone.

When Would I Use It?

This service is used when you want to call a destination not covered by the included minutes of your contract like an international call or to another mobile phone.

You can also make FREE calls to 0800 freephone numbers (most mobile companies charge for this) and cheaper calls to non-standard UK numbers like 0870 and 0845.

Got a question?

New technology can seem confusing at first, but don't worry, we are here to help!

Your call, email or chat will be handled by one of our real live
customer services representatives - no AI, no bots!

Got a Question?

You can speak to one of our Customer Service representatives by calling our dedicated Customer service line on 0345 868 5555 and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Configure Services

Log in to your online control panel to configure your services. With Voipfone's online control panel you can manage your account in real time, from your PC anywhere in the world.


You can try our service for FREE - without risk or commitment. Firstly, we'll give you a free incoming 056 telephone number so that people can call you from ordinary telephones.